Ticketing Widgets

Epiphany's dashboard includes widgets for managing tickets.

Epiphany's ticketing system has many ways to show you data about tickets. This information helps you identify trends in the types of issues in your organization.

New Tickets Today

This widget shows the number of tickets opened today. In this example, only two tickets were opened today. Compare this widget with the Tickets Created by Severity widget (below), which shows the same information but also includes a breakdown of the tickets' severity.

Open Investigation Tickets

This widget shows the number of open investigation tickets.

Open Risk Approval Tickets

This widget shows the number of open risk approval tickets.

Ticket Table

The ticket table lists all of your tickets. You can click on column heads to sort by the information in that column. This is useful if you want to view all open tickets first (click on the Status column head) or all the tickets assigned to a particular person (click in the Assignee column head).

You can also use the Search bar to search for certain types of data. For example, you can search for all tickets with a particular word in the Title.

Tickets Created by Severity

This widget shows the total tickets created today, by severity. On this day, only two tickets were created and their severity is medium.

Top Active and Inactive Tickets

This widget shows the numer of active and inactive tickets. In this example, there are 15 active tickets and no inactive tickets.

Total Open Tickets by Priority

This widget shows the number of open tickets, broken out by Priority. You can roll your mouse over the colored areas in the circle and see the number of tickets for each priority. In this example, there are 3 critical (red), 2 high (orange), 7 medium (yellow), and 3 low (blue) open tickets, for a total of 15 open tickets.

Total Open Tickets by Type

This widget shows the number of open tickets, broken out by Type. You can roll your mouse over the colored areas in the circle and see the number of tickets for each ticket type. In this example, there are 3 change request (turquoise), 2 investigation (blue), 2 information (purple), and 8 task (green) tickets, for a total of 15 tickets.

Total per Day Open Tickets by Type

This widget shows the number of tickets open each day, by type. In this example, you can see that on 8/23 there is a spike in Report Generation tckets.

Total per Day Opened VS Closed Tickets

This widget shows the number of tickets opened each day, compared with the number of tickets closed. In this example, you can see that on 8/23 there is a spike of opened tickets.

Total Tickets by Status

This widget shows the number of tickets by status. You can roll your mouse over the colored areas in the circle and see the number of tickets for each status. In this example, there are 9 new (purple) tickets, 15 open (turquoise) tickets, 1 reopened (light grey) ticket, 1 closed (dark grey) ticket, and 1 closed true positive (red) ticket.


This widget shows how opened and closed tickets average over time. You can see that on 8/22 there was a spike of opened tickets.

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