PAN-OS and Panorama SSH/Manual Collection

If Epiphany's collectors can't reach your assets via an API or SSH, data can be manually collected for the network modeling process. A command line interface (CLI) connection to the devices will be needed, as well as a terminal emulator such as Putty or SecureCRT, capable of logging data presented via the show commands used.

Step 1:

  • Authenticate to the device.

  • Have the PAN-OS CLI output data in an XML format. Copy and paste the following commands into the CLI in operational mode:

set cli op-command-xml-output on
  • Get the full running configuration of PAN-OS or Panorama. Copy and paste the following commands into the CLI in operational mode:

show config running

Step 2:

  • Once all data is collected from the Palo Alto appliances, create a .zip named containing the data from the Palo Alto appliances. To SCP the file to Epiphany's on-premises collector, continue to the next step.

Step 3:

  • Using a web browser, go to your Epiphany dashboard

  • Download the PEM file to the local device.

  • Once the PEM file is downloaded, it can be used to perform SCP of the compressed map folder to the Epiphany Collector.

Step 4:

Send the file to the ‘upload’ user using the following commands, based on your operating system:

  • Send the file to the ‘upload’ user using the following commands:

scp -i ~/.ssh/key.pem <Collector_Upload> upload@<Collector_IP>:~/upload

The PEM file and map file can be anywhere on the file system, so provide that file’s pathway for the SCP command.

Last updated