
In this section the user can configure the users that can access the Platform.

Users Table

Holds the information about the users that are allowed to enter the system. The user can see in a table all the users already configured, where the Username, E-mail, Role, and Actions are displayed.

Here we can have a better administration of user profiles, it allows us to create, manage accounts and assign privileges.

By default, the elements in the table are presented from oldest to newest element.

By default, ten rows of information are displayed. If the user wish to see more or change the pagination in the lower right corner are the pagination controls.

  • Name It is the name assigned to the user when it was registered.

  • Email E-mail address associated with the user when it was registered.

  • Role The role assigned to the user when it was registered. See Types of Accounts.

  • Actions Actions that can be taken for users such as editing information, change password, or removing it.

Last updated