Epiphany Workflows

Learn about Epiphany's strategy for stopping attackers before they reach a critical system.

What is Epiphany?

The Epiphany Intelligence Platform (EIP) is a cyber-security exposure management system that allows organizations to understand the risks that can cause a material impact. In other words, it's trying to help you stop attackers before they reach a critical system. At its core, it allows organizations to:

  1. Understand what is possible for an attacker.

  2. Detect exploitable conditions within the environment.

  3. Prioritize exposures for remediation.

  4. Prevent material impacts.

Exposure has attributes that can be measured by a technical system, which is why it is the preferred method inside of Epiphany. Exposure has the following attributes:

  1. Scope. What or how many things are exposed because of this (for example, the number of systems).

  2. Cause. What technical condition is creating this (for example, a misconfiguration or a vulnerability).

  3. Impact. What will occur if the attacker successfully uses this path (for example, a critical server is compromised).

  4. Resistance: How difficult is it for the attacker to carry out the attack (for example, the amount of effort that is required to start or continue the attack).

Using these attributes, Epiphany prioritizes the actions you can take as an organization to protect yourself in the most impactful way.

How Epiphany Works

A US military strategist named Colonel John Boyd created a combat operations concept called the OODA Loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act), which has become widely used throughout the military, government, and business world. Epiphany gives organizations the ability to orient themselves and decide where to deploy their resources so that you can use your tools to take action (for example, break a path, change a configuration, or update a rule).

Epiphany specializes in orientation and decisions at scale. Using Epiphany's unique attack path analysis engine allows Epiphany to help you remove the noise. Epiphany fits seamlessly into an organization's security operations workflow by becoming the central place to find answers about the exposure of devices, identities, and applications.

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