How Epiphany Interacts With the Palo Alto API/Console


API Call: GET Managed Device Configurations:

Note that Epiphany leverages the 'Pano' Python library for its API calls.

GET https://<base_url>/api/?type=config&action=get&xpath=/config/devices

Manual Console Collection:

  • Log into the Panorama web console.

  • Select the Panorama tab, on the left menu, select Setup, and then select the Operations tab.

  • On the Operations tab, select Export Panorama and devices config bundle.

  • This will export a compressed .tgz file that can be submitted to the Epiphany via secure methods. Please review the PAN-OS and Panorama Manual Collection for SSH submission to the EIP collector.

This will export a compressed .tgz file that can be submitted to Epiphany via secure methods. Please review the section PAN-OS and Panorama SSH/Manual Collection for information on SSH submission to the Epiphany collector.


API call via Panos Python:

fw.op('show config running',xml=True)

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