Endpoints Table

This section provides information about the Hosts that have connected to the Platform. It displays the following details for each host:

  • Host Name Displays the name given to the Endpoint at the time of configuration. This name displayed can be changed for the Endpoints view on the Rename an Endpoint: Alias section.

  • Private IP Address Shows the internal network address of each Endpoint.

  • Public IP Address Displays the address through which the Endpoints are connected to the internet.

  • Emulation History Opens a window where the user can see graphically the emulations that have been made on that Endpoint. See Emulation History of an EndPoint.

  • Actions Allows the user to view the Endpoint information and remove the agent from the table.

By default, the EndPoints are displayed inline at the top of the table. Ten rows of information are shown initially. If you wish to view more rows or change the pagination, use the pagination controls located in the lower right corner.

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