Environmental Widgets

Epiphany's dashboard includes environmental widgets for more focused exploration of data.

Dig Into Focus Areas for More Exploration

Epiphany's environmental widgets give you an overview of a particular focus area that you may find useful over time or you may want to dig into for more exploration.

Total Devices

Total Devices shows the total number of unique devices detected across all data sources connected to Epiphany. This number updates each time data is ingested.

Roll your mouse over the colored areas of the circle to see breakout numbers for the type of device, such as workstation or server.

If there is a large amount of variance in your device count, it could mean that you have a data source that has disconnected or has recently connected. This can also be caused by the widget themselves as some widgets drop devices when their agents stop communicating.

Vulnerability Overview

Vulnerability Overview shows you the total number of instances of vulnerabilities across the entire environment. This includes vulnerabilities in attack paths and not in attack paths, but are prioritized and organized by their ability to be leveraged by attackers.

The information is color-coded (critical vulnerabilities are red, high are orange, medium are yellow, and low are blue). The vulnerabilities are meant to be explored. You can click through to deeper depths to see all the instances of the most exploitable and impactful vulnerability within a criticality.

For example, in the example in the image, if you click in the red critical area, you see the critical vulnerabilities broken into high, medium, and low groups.

Then, if you click in the red high group, you see those vulnerabilities specifically identified. Above the red areas, notice that the path you’re currently viewing is shown. In the image below, the path shows All>Critical>High, which means you started out viewing all vulnerabilities, then you drilled into the critical vulnerabilities, and from there you drilled into the high vulnerabilities within the critical ones.

Once you’re at this level, click on a vulnerability name to view the vulnerability’s detail. In this example, clicking on the red area for CVE-2023-32049 (which has 14 vulnerabilities), displays a list of all the vulnerabilities. For each, Epiphany displays the Hostname, IP Address, Risk Level, Vulnerabilities details, Sessions details, Group, and Operating System.

Click on Details in the Vulnerabilities column to see all the CVEs in the vulnerability. You can also click on Details in the Sessions column to see the sessions in the vulnerability.

Impact Matrix Groups

The Impact Matrix Groups widget is directly linked to the Impact Matrix and will show you all the Devices, Users, and Applications within an Impact Matrix Group as well as how many attack paths those devices are associated with.

Last updated