Add the API Token to Epiphany

This feature is in Early Release/BETA. Please contact your Epiphany Systems support or sales contact to learn more.

Step 1:

  • Once all data is collected from the FortiOS dashboard, create a .zip file named containing the data from FortiOS.

Step 2:

To SCP the file to the On-Premises Epiphany Collector, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to your Epiphany dashboard using a web browser.

  • Download the PEM file to the local device.

Step 3:

Once the PEM file is downloaded, it can be used to perform SCP of the compressed map folder to the Epiphany Collector. Proceed with the steps below based on the operating system in use:

  • Send the file to the ‘upload’ user using the following commands:

scp -i ~/.ssh/key.pem <mapfiles> upload@<Collector_IP>:~/upload

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