Generate a Read-Only Meraki Account
This feature is in Early Release/BETA. Please contact your Epiphany Systems support or sales contact to learn more.
Step 1:
Log in to the Cisco Meraki Dashboard using your assigned credentials.
Go to the Organization tab, then the Administrators tab.
Select the Add Admin button.
Step 2:
On the Create Administrator page, complete the following fields:
For Name, enter the user's name. Epiphany is recommended.
For Email, enter the email account used for Epiphany access. Use a secure email account from the source organization. Once the account is created using the following steps, credentials of this account will be provided to Epiphany
For Organization access, select Read-only.
Select Create Admin.
Step 3:
Cisco Meraki sends an email to the email address provided in Step 2, describing how to complete the registration process.
Open the email sent from Meraki and select the link in the email.
Complete the steps to add the user to the organization. Be sure to use a password that follows your organization’s password policy.
Last updated