Generate a Read-Only Meraki Account

This feature is in Early Release/BETA. Please contact your Epiphany Systems support or sales contact to learn more.

Step 1:

  • Log in to the Cisco Meraki Dashboard using your assigned credentials.

  • Go to the Organization tab, then the Administrators tab.

  • Select the Add Admin button.

Step 2:

  • On the Create Administrator page, complete the following fields:

    • For Name, enter the user's name. Epiphany is recommended.

    • For Email, enter the email account used for Epiphany access. Use a secure email account from the source organization. Once the account is created using the following steps, credentials of this account will be provided to Epiphany

    • For Organization access, select Read-only.

  • Select Create Admin.

Step 3:

Cisco Meraki sends an email to the email address provided in Step 2, describing how to complete the registration process.

  • Open the email sent from Meraki and select the link in the email.

  • Complete the steps to add the user to the organization. Be sure to use a password that follows your organization’s password policy.

Last updated