The Inventory page lets you view unified inventory data from multiple different data sources.
To access the Inventory page:
In the left navigation menu, select Asset Tools and then select Inventory.
The top of the Inventory page shows grouping tiles representing Total Devices, Windows Devices, Linux Devices, and Network Devices. Each of these tiles shows a number that represents the number of devices in that group. In the image below, Total Devices is 102. Of those devices, all 102 are Windows Devices, none are Linux Devices, and none are Network Devices.
Below the search bar, each device is shown in an individual tile. In the image above, each tile shows the IP address, host name and operating system.
Each tile has a diagonal banner in its upper-right corner to indicate the device’s risk: critical (red), high (orange), medium (yellow) or low (green). The risk is determined using Epiphany's algorithms.
In the image at the top of the page, tiles for 102 devices are available. This would be daunting to sort through and discern meaningful information. There are ways you can narrow the scope of what tiles are shown:
Click on one of the grouping tiles at the top of the page (Windows Devices, Linux Devices, or Network Devices). The list refreshes to only show tiles for those devices.
Use the Search field to limit what you view. For example, you can search on “Windows 7” to only display tiles for devices running Windows 7.
Device Details
To see details for a device, select Node Details in the tile’s lower-right corner. The image below shows an example of details for a device, based on analysis done in Epiphany.
This example shows:
Tiles at the top of the page:
The Operating System is Windows 10 Pro.
There are 459 Total Risks. These risks are the different vulnerabilities that exist on the device
A Risk Level of 9.82 (on a scale of 1 to 10).
There are 6 Entry Points. These are vulnerabilities that can actually be used to gain access. Entry points have been or can be actively and legitimately exploited. The individual entry points are listed in the table in the lower half of the image.
Entry Points list. Notice the Entry Points switch at the top of the list. This list is a filter to switch between viewing all entry points and viewing all vulnerabilities. When looking at all vulnerabilities, you are looking at many things that can’t actually be leveraged to compromise the device. It’s better to focus on entry points because that gives you a list of the much smaller number of vulnerabilities that can be patched. In this example, if you switch to viewing all vulnerabilities, the list will show 549 vulnerabilities (which are the risks identified in the tile at the top of the Inventory page). This lets you know you need to focus on patching the entry points rather than being worried about all 549 risks.
Installed Applications
If you scroll farther down the Device Detail page, you can see a list of all the Installed Applications and Data Sources on the device.
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